Lisa Wragg

Nurse Continence Specialist
BApp Sc (Nursing), RN, GradDipBsMn GradCert Promoting Continence

Introducing Lisa Wragg, a highly respected Nurse Continence Specialist and Director of Continence First@Nurses Know How, a leading provider of bladder and bowel assessment and management services. With extensive experience spanning across various healthcare settings, Lisa’s expertise lies in providing expert independent medicolegal examinations and reports in the field of continence.

Throughout her career, Lisa has worked with individuals across the lifespan, including those with disabilities, chronic and complex healthcare issues, and adverse behaviours associated with toileting. Her practical experience as a Nurse Continence Specialist has equipped her with the skills and knowledge needed to conduct thorough assessments and provide comprehensive reports in medicolegal contexts.

Lisa has played a pivotal role in the initiation, development, and implementation of various continence initiatives, including the Australian National Continence Helpline and the Victorian Continence Resource Centre NDIS Continence Service. Additionally, she has contributed extensively to the field through authoring multiple publications and chairing advisory groups focused on continence resource information, online education programs, credentialing, and customer care service delivery models.

With qualifications including a Bachelor of Applied Science in Nursing, Lisa’s dedication to promoting continence is further evidenced by her current appointments and memberships in professional associations. She serves as the President of Continence Nurses Australia National Organisation (CoNSA) and is a member of prestigious organisations such as the International Continence Society (ICS), International Children’s Continence Society (ICCS), and Australian College of Nursing.

In summary, Lisa Wragg stands as a highly regarded Nurse Continence Specialist with a wealth of experience and expertise in providing medicolegal assessments and reports. Her dedication to advancing the field of continence care, coupled with her extensive contributions and professional affiliations, make her a trusted expert in the realm of bladder and bowel management.

Occupational Physician